Series – Get your database running with Terraform part 9: Database

At this point I have created everything else apart from the database. For the database we have few options starting if we would like to have Baremetal, Virtual Machine or Exadata.

In this demo I’m going to create VM single-node database but I could create it as RAC database as well with two nodes. Similar to compute instance I need to select shape for my database which will in turn determine available memory and cpu. I’m going to use VM with 2.8 shape which means it’s second generation VM with 8 OCPU’s available.

More details on shapes can be found from here.

I’ve tested creating DB with 2.1 shape earlier and compared to 2.8 the creation time is almost the same. In addition I will use version (other options available for me, and

I’m going to use minimum amout of storage (256GB) allocated for this DB as there will be no need to load any data into it.

Overall I’m going with a minimal setup to show deployment with Terraform and display I can access the database.


I’m going to add following to my

resource "oci_database_db_system" "CreateDBSystem" {
  availability_domain = "${lookup(data.oci_identity_availability_domains.ADs.availability_domains[0],"name")}"
  compartment_id = "${}"
  database_edition = "${var.db_system_database_edition}"
  db_home {
    database {
      admin_password = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_admin_password}"
      character_set = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_character_set}"
      ncharacter_set = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_ncharacter_set}"
      pdb_name = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_pdb_name}"
      db_name = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_db_name}"
    db_version = "${var.db_system_db_home_db_version}"
    display_name = "${var.db_system_db_home_display_name}"
  hostname = "${var.db_system_hostname}"
  shape = "${var.db_system_shape}"
  ssh_public_keys = ["${var.ssh_public_key}"] // Needs to be passed as a list
  subnet_id = "${}"
  // Optional parameters start from here
  // cpu_core_count = "${var.db_system_cpu_core_count}" // Ignored when VM shape is used
  // data_storage_percentage = "${var.db_system_data_storage_percentage}" // Ignored when VM shape is used
  license_model = "${var.db_system_license_model}"
  node_count = "${var.db_system_node_count}"
  data_storage_size_in_gb = "${var.db_system_data_storage_size_in_gbs}"

On line five and six you can see that for db_home and database we will specify specific variables. I’m hoping that for example with Exadata deployments we can utilize that in the future to create additional databases via Terraform.

Note that ssh key for login must be passed as a list or otherwise it will throw an error and will not work.

In the I have following defined.

// Database system variables

variable "db_system_database_edition" {
  } // Using Standard Edition here but can be changed to ENTERPRISE_EDITION if needed

variable "db_system_db_home_database_admin_password" {
  default = "First1_Database2_"
  } // 9-30 characters, two uppercase, two numbers, two special

variable "db_system_db_home_database_db_name" {
  default = "TEST"

variable "db_system_db_home_database_character_set" {
  default = "AL32UTF8"

variable "db_system_db_home_database_ncharacter_set" {
  default = "AL16UTF16"

variable "db_system_db_home_database_pdb_name" {
  default = "TESTPDB"

variable "db_system_db_home_db_version" {
  default = ""

variable "db_system_db_home_display_name" {
  default = "HOME1"
  } #Optional

variable "db_system_hostname" {
  default = "testhost"

variable "db_system_shape" {
  default = "VM.Standard2.8"
  } // Adjust when needed with 2.2, 2.4 etc..

// Optional DB system variables
variable "db_system_data_storage_percentage" {
  default = "80"

variable "db_system_display_name" {
  default = "TEST DB"
*/ // Not applicable for virtual DB systems

variable "db_system_license_model" {
  default = "LICENSE_INCLUDED"

variable "db_system_node_count" {
  default = "1"

variable "db_system_data_storage_size_in_gbs" {
  default = "256"

Nothing strange there, I’ve just defined variables which make sense in this case (18c database, license included etc) and I’m ready to execute my Terraform script.

I was investigating is to display connection_strings and private IP what gets assigned to the database instance in the but using data sources I was unable to do it yet.

Running Terraform apply I see following:

oci_database_db_system.CreateDBSystem: Creating...
  availability_domain:                      "" => "xknJ:EU-FRANKFURT-1-AD-1"
  backup_subnet_id:                         "" => "<computed>"
  cluster_name:                             "" => "<computed>"
  compartment_id:                           "" => "ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxx"
  cpu_core_count:                           "" => "<computed>"
  data_storage_percentage:                  "" => "<computed>"
  data_storage_size_in_gb:                  "" => "256"
  database_edition:                         "" => "ENTERPRISE_EDITION"
  db_home.#:                                "" => "1"
  db_home.0.database.#:                     "" => "1"
  db_home.0.database.0.admin_password:      "<sensitive>" => "<sensitive>"
  db_home.0.database.0.backup_id:           "" => "<computed>"
  db_home.0.database.0.backup_tde_password: "<sensitive>" => "<sensitive>"
  db_home.0.database.0.character_set:       "" => "AL32UTF8"
  db_home.0.database.0.db_backup_config.#:  "" => "<computed>"
  db_home.0.database.0.db_name:             "" => "TEST"
  db_home.0.database.0.db_workload:         "" => "<computed>"
  db_home.0.database.0.ncharacter_set:      "" => "AL16UTF16"
  db_home.0.database.0.pdb_name:            "" => "TESTPDB"
  db_home.0.db_version:                     "" => ""
  db_home.0.display_name:                   "" => "HOME1"
  disk_redundancy:                          "" => "<computed>"
  display_name:                             "" => "<computed>"
  domain:                                   "" => "<computed>"
  freeform_tags.%:                          "" => "<computed>"
  hostname:                                 "" => "testhost"
  last_patch_history_entry_id:              "" => "<computed>"
  license_model:                            "" => "LICENSE_INCLUDED"
  lifecycle_details:                        "" => "<computed>"
  listener_port:                            "" => "<computed>"
  node_count:                               "" => "1"
  reco_storage_size_in_gb:                  "" => "<computed>"
  scan_dns_record_id:                       "" => "<computed>"
  scan_ip_ids.#:                            "" => "<computed>"
  shape:                                    "" => "VM.Standard2.8"
  sparse_diskgroup:                         "" => "<computed>"
  ssh_public_keys.#:                        "" => "1"
  ssh_public_keys.0:                        "" => "ssh-rsa xxxxx"
  state:                                    "" => "<computed>"
  subnet_id:                                "" => ""
  time_created:                             "" => "<computed>"
  version:                                  "" => "<computed>"
  vip_ids.#:                                "" => "<computed>"

oci_database_db_system.CreateDBSystem: Creation complete after 1h14m19s (ID:

Creating database on VM shape usually seems to take around one hour at least with 2.1, 2.2 and 2.8 shapes. I still need to test if RAC has any impact on creation time.

Accessing the database

Now when system is running I can login to my jump server and further log on to my database instance (remember I allowed port 22 only from public subnet’s private CIDR block) after I have found out the private IP which was assigned to it. Looking from the console I see it has IP in the private subnet I created earlier.

[opc@public-1 ~]$ ssh -i mykey.ppk opc@
Last login: Mon Mar  4 18:00:30 2019 from
[opc@testhost ~]$ ps -ef|grep pmon
opc       1786 98997  0 20:51 pts/0    00:00:00 grep pmon
oracle    2335     1  0 15:44 ?        00:00:01 ora_pmon_TEST
grid     81332     1  0 15:22 ?        00:00:01 asm_pmon_+ASM1
grid     99813     1  0 15:24 ?        00:00:01 apx_pmon_+APX1

I can see user “oracle” is running my TEST database and using sudo I can access that user and perform database related operations I would need to do.

Basic environment variables for Oracle database should be set once you sudo to the user (ORACLE_HOME, PATH etc).

[opc@testhost ~]$ sudo su - oracle
[oracle@testhost ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@testhost dbhome_1]$ pwd
[oracle@testhost dbhome_1]$ sqlplus sys as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Mar 4 20:54:05 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2018, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter password:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 6.4425E+10 bytes
Fixed Size                 19534392 bytes
Variable Size            8858370048 bytes
Database Buffers         5.5432E+10 bytes
Redo Buffers              114679808 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.

I could modify init parameters or do any server side installations depending on requirements. Or even automate deployment of my own init.ora with Ansible for example!

I still want to verify I can access the database from public subnet as I opened port 1521 for sql*net. This could be a case for application server accessing your database from the public subnet.

I’ve created user in the database and installed instant client on the public server. I can login to console and copy the required connection string for accessing the database. More on connection strings and accessing database can be found from documentation.

Connection string could be retrieved using Terraform data sources but like mentioned previously I had some challenges with it which I can hopefully address in the future.

Connection string can be seen in the console
[opc@public-1 ~]$ sqlplus c##simo/xxxxx@//

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Mar 4 21:12:26 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2018, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production


This completes the deployment of required resources which included compartment, network components with specific rules, jump server and finally an Oracle database.

On the last post of the series I will summarize everything and provide the source code to either run everything via Terraform or utilizing the new just released OCI Resource Manager.


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