Hey [subscriber:firstname | default:subscriber],

Hope you've managed to stay safe!

This week we've had lot of announcements dropping in - Some really cool things like Oracle Golden Gate Service, File System Cloning, Application Performance Monitoring and much more!

Also it's great to see more community members posting on OCI and Oracle being active on the OCI Developer side!

Tell me about your favourite OCI feature, based on responses I'll be doing few videos or blog posts in the future to share them to others as well!

There was a huge issue with OCI services earlier this week, as usual it was related to.. DNS! Thanks for all people working on the issue and getting it fixed so quickly.

Are you a student, or know someone? Oracle has a hackathon in April and students are invited. What a great initiative!

More newsletters, the better! Here's Autonomous Database March Newsletter.

What's new?

Let's start with the Application Performance Monitoring! Part of the Observability Platform it will provide you in-depth toolbox to debug performance issues on different layers.

I'm really keen on getting working more with Observability platform OCI has, I haven't seen it being leveraged too much yet but there's been lots of interest on capabilities it has.

Here is the link to documentation.

And the official announcement from Oracle!
I've been waiting on this; Golden Gate Service now natively on OCI!

Since the service costs I really didn't want to deploy instance on my own tenancy yet, but you can see few nice things when creating deployment.

Service can scale up to 3x of provisioned OCPUs (like ADB!) and you don't need to choose VCN compartment first but it will instead let you choose subnet directly. Such a nice UI feature.
OCI Golden Gate Documentation is here. Sort of.. there's bunch of additional documentation which goes into detail of the service here. Which is it Oracle? I've been rooting for OCI documentation to be top notch but I'm confused will documentation be moving to the new site or is this just that they want to keep half of docs on other platform?

Congrats on the new service though, it's gonna be a great addition overall in the long run.
What about File System Service cloning? There's some good design decisions here when you clone it. First of all, you only pay for changed blocks/date when you do a clone.

While FSS is more expensive compared to Block Volume it provides far superior features, now if you think about EBS shared filesystem cloning this could be good price saver as well?

The feature is shown in detail here and official documentation should be here.. but at least right now, it's not there!
Data Integration got a huge update! Release notes has all the new features nicely combined, there's also a post on the blog section about it. Official announcement on it here.
You can now give custom image specific IAM permissions, really good to see more granular permissions for IAM coming up. Although, I like to keep IAM simple if only possible!
SMS notifications! These are only available for Monitoring and Service Connector right now but I would imagine SMS will get more services added soon.

Good introduction post on the official Oracle page as well.
VPN Connect logging is available. Not much to say apart from more logging capabilities can't be a bad thing.
Now you can send notifications which someone can actually read. Friendly formatting is available when sending Notifications via email.

Blogs & News

Christian writes on OCI CLI formatting and filtering, you can do lot of different stuff with CLI when you get hang of it! Which I'm still trying to learn..

And also in addition if you need to configure OCI CLI, here's how!
Here's a post on Data Integration by David, how to register Autonomous Databases with it!
Todd writes about Terraform and OCI Resource Manager. Nice to see Terraform getting more love!
Martin has part 2 on his exploration of OCI Database Management Service, this time looking how to add Databases on the service (on-premises only right now!).
Another post by David, working smart with OCI Data Catalog. To be honest, Data Catalog and Integration are some services I haven't used at all so far.
Have you seen youtube video on Autonomous Database: Auto-indexing Deep Dive. Definitely worth checking out!
Here are some details on the new Cloud Advisor features which came out some time ago. Cloud Advisor has been something many of the people I've talked about looking after your tenancy have been really excited!


Contact me via Twitter @svilmune or just send an email if you have any ideas, comments or if you see I'm missing some good source for the weekly news.

I'm not in partnership with Oracle in any way so all opinions are my personal views and should not be taken as an official statement from Oracle.

You can unsubscribe at any time using the link below if you feel this newsletter is not for you.

Have an awesome day, thanks for reading!
